FAST MARINE TECHNOLOGY is a leading company in the maritime industry and is committed to provide high quality products and services within a safe and healthy working environment for everyone using the premises as a place of work or visiting on business.

In order to achieve client satisfaction by introducing optimum services within reasonable price at the required time, Top management had determined external and internal issues that are relevant to their purpose and their strategic direction and that affect their ability to achieve the intended results of its Integrated Management System for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

The organization had established monitoring and reviewing logs for positive and negative issues to be taken into consideration. Top management has put into consideration the following aspects:

  • Customer requirements and applicable statutory and regularity requirements are determined, understood, and consistently met.
  • The risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of services and ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed.
  • The focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.
  • All incidents and injuries records.

As we are aiming to increase our value in both Local & Global Markets, we are committed to:

  • Setting our Quality, Health and Safety Objectives by:
  • Satisfying of our customers in all respects by supplying high-quality products, complying to the relevant standards, always on time.
  • Fulfilling our commitment through total involvement of all at FMT and with continual improvement in our integrated management system.
  • Complying with all Quality, OH&S requirements and other applicable requirements.
  • Identify, prevent, control and minimize hazards associated with our operational activities.
  • Comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements.
  • Develop and maintain a highly motivated and trained workforce for effective management of the Quality, and Health & Safety issues.
  • Communicate our policy to clients, employees and other interested parties.
  • Strive to continually improve our Quality and Health & Safety performance keeping in view the regulatory requirements, Health & Safety requirements, community concerns, workers’ recommendations and technological advancements.
  • Establish and maintain a healthy work environment.
  • Adopt the best practice of operations to prevent ill health & injuries.